Chris Cappell has left us over a hundred songs composed between 1987, when he was only twelve years old, and 1998.

In this section of the site you can listen to and read the lyrics of the songs he composed in the last period of his life , the three songs of the demo cd (accompained by the text presenting the cd) e  thirteen songs selected and commented by music critic  Giancarlo Susanna mong Chris’ entire music production.

All Chris' songs are available on mp3 format. Enjoy listening to them!

The songs og Demo cd 1998


These three songs are part of the Demo that Chris produced in the spring of 1998.

The Demo presentation

A selection (1987 - 1998)


These thirteen songs were selected and commented by music critic Giancarlo Susanna among Chris’ entire music production between 1987 and 1998.

The last songs


The following songs have been composed and played by Chris in the very last period of his life, between 1997 and the summer of 1998